
- テンペスト。
スティックを最も使用し、他のどの魔法の女の子よりも多くの否定的なエネルギーを提示するのは1人だけです - テンペストから除外されます。

About the Tempest.

On August 11th, 19:23, the judgement of humanity by the old ones will occur
the tempest. When the seal of the king of old ones is broken, most of humanity will be destroyed.
The average human cannot escape the tempest, but there is one way to save yourself. Fill the belly of the king, who sits on top of the food chain.
The king takes the negative energy of the humans as sustenance, and offering more will allow you to escape the tempest. By using the stick given to you by the mahou shoujo site, negative energy will accumulate in the stick itself.
Only one - who uses the stick the most, and submits more negative energy than any other magical girl - will be excempt from the tempest.
If you wish to survive, you must hand in your stick brimming with negative energy to us, the mahou shoujo sites, on tempest day.
We wish you a pleasent end.